The Right Move – choices that transform our lives.

I belong to the teeming population of Candy crush lovers. After a long day at work I find that rearranging colourful bubbles of candy is relaxing. Sweet! Good! and the explosion after a level is completed are some of the things that endear me and draw me back to the game. This post however is in no way about Candy crush but a lesson playing the game has brought to my attention.
Left or right up or down.

In the game of Candy crush just the right swipe in the right direction with all the other available combinations can boost your chances of completing the level successfully. There have been numerous times when I had only one move left and just a right swipe of one candy to another position causes the domino effect that results into a magical explosion which is a beloved sight to every Candy crush lover 😍

Candy crush or get crushed
What has all this got to do with life and excellence which happens to be the name of my blog or our spiritual lives as believers and children of God. Hold on a minute and we will get to the crux of the matter. Like I always say; the same is true for our spiritual lives, the choices we make, the moves we make, the actions we take and the decision we embark upon determine the course and outcome of our lives. So like Candy crush a right move or choice can lead us to greatly enjoy the rewards of a blessed, purposeful and glorious life.

Now this post is about the most important choices that quickly transform, impact and shape our lives and destinies. I have outlined five of the cardinal choices and moves that we have to get right, so that the domino effect of these choices and moves propel us into a life of excellence, value, impact, fulfillment and purpose just as Christ our heavenly father has in store for us.

Christ as Lord
First and foremost, a choice to accept Christ as lord and personal saviour, denouncing sin and Satan is the single most important choice we will ever make. It is this choice that brings us under the Covenant and into a blessing.
It is the door we open that reveals a whole new world and kingdom of royalty for us to walk in. We must first be born again before we are called sons of God to walk in the rights and privileges our sonship avails us.

Bible over Google

The word of God which is simply the voice of god must become our number one counsel in any issue of concern. The Bible must simply govern and guide our steps here on Earth. When we subscribe to the wisdom and direction in the word of God ordered by his Holy Spirit, we have set ourselves on a path of excellence and shining light in this dark world.
The number one authority in our lives must come from the counsel of God’s holy book while others should take second place to God’s word.

Choice of Friends
Our association greatly influences our actions. We have established the fact that our actions – those we take and don’t take chart the course of our lives.
The people we spend time with talk to regularly, go to for advice and walk around with in turn have a great influence on the way our lives turn out. Jesus Christ understood this and chose to surround himself with 12 disciples in a bid to limit his interaction with negative influence from his close associates.
The Bible clearly states that he who works with the wise will be wise and the company of fools shall be destroyed. We must make sure to be very careful, conservative and conscious of our company for they determine what accompanies us in life.

Cultivate Godly Habits
I like the word cultivate when considered with regard to farming. It means to till, to dig, to soften the soil so that a seed can be planted. The dictionary puts it like this: to prepare and use for the growing of crops 2) to loosen and break up the soil 3) to foster the growth of. I love all those definitions when will you look at them considering our lives in Christ.

We must cultivate our minds to stay on God through meditation on his word and build intimacy with him through regular times in his presence by praying always. our minds should always be made to think on these things as mentioned in Philippians 4:8 – pure, holy, just, lovely, admirable, excellent, worthy of praise – and like Jesus our perfect example our custom should be a habit of prayer.

Wrong move now what!
Back to my game of Candy crush whenever I noticed that I have a series of bad moves behind me and my counter for moves left is low, I stop to strategize and choose to make intentional moves that will aid my successful completion of the current level. Whenever I do this I am usually able to complete the level surprisingly with only a few right moves, might I also add, occasionally a special bubbles only comes up and saves the day.

Putting it all together
Perhaps like me you’ve made several wrong moves in life and you’re wondering how can you make it right again. News flash you can’t.
I’m sorry if that sounded harsh but sometimes the truth hurts. In of ourselves we can’t save ourselves that’s why a savior had to come to die for our sins ( remedy our wrong moves) and redeem us from the penalty and consequence of our sins (think of a special bubble) the right move that we can make no matter where we are in the game of life is to make Jesus Christ our lord and savior.
This is the ultimate move this would have been a good time to that transforms our lives and makes us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light.

Wanna make the move ?
If you want to make the ultimate move that will change your life and unlocks a whole new world of possibilities to you I will be glad to join you as you say this prayer.
Lord Jesus I come to you today. I acknowledge that I am a sinner. I acknowledge that you died for me, to redeem me and save me from the consequences of my sin. I hereby accept you as my lord and personal saviour to live for you every day. Thank you Jesus for saving my soul. I believe I am restored and now a bonafide child of God.

Congratulation in Conclusion
What better way to conclude than to say a hearty congratulations to you if you said that prayer. You are now a child of God. Make sure to follow the tips above and keep making the right choices and moves as written in God’s word the Bible.
Till my next post Stay fresh and keep representing Christ.

Published by Chinedum

An optimist that loves words. Currently offline where I am learning to love God and live a life of excellence.

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