Godliness is Profitable

Godliness is responsibility
Hello there how are you doing? Trust you are doing great and staying strong in the Lord. Today I have decided to write about a topic that is of cardinal importance to us as believers. It is one of the virtues that secures our eternity and one that we will take with us while our time here is over, so it is what discussing. Without further delay folks and faithful readers of my blog let’s dive right in.

What is godliness?
No dictionary definition, godliness is simply right walking with God. It is living to please him at all times, in deed, thoughts and words.
It is simply the continuous seeking of a life that brings glory to God in everything and anything and this is a life that God has empowered us to live through the death of his son Jesus on the cross of Calvary, when he overcame sin and purchased our dominion from sin and the power of darkness.
The word of God says godliness is profitable unto all things. It is therefore true that for a profitable life in redemption, godliness must become our habitual lifestyle.
We must desist, detest and do away with any correspondence with sin because sin seeks to rob us of the profitings of godliness in our lives

A few benefits
Nothing trumps living a life of godliness. The word of God is our assurance in this matter. It promises favour for the righteous one. Psalm 5:12 “for you bless the godly man, O lord you protect him with your shield of love” Godliness guarantees protection and blessings.

Proverbs 2:7 he grants good sense to the godly – his saints. He is their shield protecting them and guiding their pathway

Worthy of note here is the access to Divine guidance that a godly lifestyle opens us up to. We can connect clearly to God and get his leading and direction on every issue concerning us because sin that breaks the circuit of communication between us and God is no longer in dominion upon our lives.

Godliness therefore is a responsibility
It is our sole responsibility to put up a daily fight against ungodliness for if we don’t, we are prone to the deathly attacks of the enemy against our godliness.

We must take full and conscious responsibility for our godliness because the enemy is always on the go seeking to make us lose that state of godliness.
This implies that to stay godly we must continue to do the things that keep us in the state of godliness. The word of God makes us understand that he that doeth righteousness is righteous
1 John 3:7 Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.

Godliness is work
Let us lay aside every weight that so easily besets us i.e that so easily trips us in to sin and the state of ungodliness. We are to do this by ourselves, guarding consciously the gateways to our heart where the enemy may want to plant ungodly seeds.
So we must work to keep our eyes from lust by turning away from every image that seeks to pollute our mind.

We must protect our ears from hearing evil, our meditation therefore should be upon the word of God to build up our faith. In our hearts we must think on things that are godly, pure, acceptable, just, holy which in turn produces godly speech in our interaction.

The equation is only balanced with prayer. Prayer is an essential tool to keep us to sanctified. Praying in the Holy ghost is a mystery, it keeps us built in our faith and purifies us from the scenes that pollute and stains our garment of righteousnes.

These are some of the things that we must do to stay godly and keep enjoying the properties of godliness in our lives. My admonition to you today is that you must not leave your godliness to fate or spiritual inactivity lest you gather spiritual dross and the enemy prevails over your life. I say God forbid! Therefore guard your heart above all else for out of it flows the issues of life.

Take responsibility today
We must understand foremost that godliness is warfare, therefore we are in a fight with the forces of darkness against our godliness. Paul described us as athletes running a race and we must run not as one in a fanfare but as one with the prize of the high calling in view.

Let me end by saying that godliness is profitable unto all things. That is why same goes that ungodliness is unprofitable in all things and provides for our losses in every side. A life of godliness has no limits and bounds. Eternity is guaranteed and victorious living is assured on earth because you are living a life that pleases, pleasures and praises the most holy one. All things work for your good in turn automatically as the lord of host is on your side.

My Earnest prayer is that anything, habit or association that is keeping you bound or stuck in the chains of ungodliness is broken today in the name of Jesus Christ. Victory is yours in Jesus name.
Thanks for reading as always. God bless you and stay fresh.

Published by Chinedum

An optimist that loves words. Currently offline where I am learning to love God and live a life of excellence.

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